About the Kakhovka dam

Today, the attention of all of us is focused on the damage to the Kakhovka dam. It is obvious that these events will lead to consequences for the environment: some areas will be flooded, in some places the bottom of the reservoir will be exposed. However, we will not be able to analyze the situation…

Russia uses the international base of nature conservation areas to legalize its stay on the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea

In the international database of protected areas (WDPA), the Russian Federation entered data on “Russian protected areas” within Ukraine. For example, in this global database, information about the “Charivna Gavan” national natural park (please note that the name of the NPP is actually Ukrainian) looks like this: https://www.protectedplanet.net/555709807 In the same form, all caring people…

What is the inextricable connection of Emerald sites and European integration of Ukraine and what is at stake during their occupation?

The Emerald Network is an apt name for a network of Areas of Special Conservation Interest (ASCI) in Europe. These areas were brought together and endowed with a single conservation status for the whole of Europe. In order to be granted this status, an area must provide an adequate level of protection for habitats and…