What is the inextricable connection of Emerald sites and European integration of Ukraine and what is at stake during their occupation?

The Emerald Network is an apt name for a network of Areas of Special Conservation Interest (ASCI) in Europe. These areas were brought together and endowed with a single conservation status for the whole of Europe. In order to be granted this status, an area must provide an adequate level of protection for habitats and…

Saving scientific data during war: how is it possible and why it matters?

By Oleksii Marushchak Oleksii Marushchak is Chief Data Manager at Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (UNCG). UWEC Work Group invited him to describe data management and security in wartime conditions. UNCG is actively involved not only in scientific research of Ukrainian biodiversity, creating and supporting Nature Reserve Fund sites, and environmental education on different levels, but…

We call on the EU and other countries to expand sanctions against Russian and Belarusian wood!

The recently published investigation by the British NGO Earthsight reveals shocking facts – the largest EU furniture retailers continue to buy furniture produced in Belarus. And it’s not just any furniture. According to the investigation, penal colonies are among the largest furniture producers in Belarus. Earthsight has managed to collect a lot of evidence that…

What are the de-occupied objects of the nature reserve fund of Kherson and Mykolaiv Region?

Together with all Ukrainians, we congratulate the incredible successes of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Kherson region! The fact that the protected territories of the right-bank part of the Kherson region and the south-eastern part of the Mykolaiv region have been freed from the occupiers is also incredibly pleasing!   What valuable protected areas…

Defending themselves against the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the russians destroy nature reserves

Russian troops have begun construction of a powerful fortified area along the left bank of the Kherson region in Ukraine. An approximate scheme of the “defense lines” (Map of the russian defense lines being built on the right bank of the Dnieper 11/05/2022) posted the @COUPSURE channel on Twitter. Analysis of satellite images confirms this…