What should be the fate of Snake Island?

Snake Island (Zmiinyi Island) is the most remote part of land on the map of Ukraine. Until recently, it attracted the attention of only biologists. But in recent months, this small rock managed to become a symbol of the indomitable Ukrainian spirit, victory and the return of the temporarily occupied lands under the control of…

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20 plants that may disappear due to russia’s war in Ukraine

Extinction of rare species does not occur only in Madagascar, Australia or the islands of Indonesia. Plants, animals and fungi disappear forever in all regions of the planet where there is life. Extremely rare species also occur in Ukraine. The diversity of natural landscapes of Ukraine creates conditions for rare and endemic species, i.e. those…

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From the first day of the full-scale Russian invasion, the entire territory of Ukraine turned into a theater of hostilities. The influence of the territory, where all the following Russians and adjacent territories that were or are in the access zone of artillery and marked by shelling from the invaders, was especially noted. Predominant state…

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New laws for the reclaim of protected areas by farmers!

Ukraine may face an international scandal. On the one hand, the state is proclaiming the European course, and on the other hand, the parliamentarians are passing laws that endanger even the natural sites of UNESCO’s world heritage. Thus, the recently adopted Law № 2211-IX allows the use of nature reserve fund lands for the construction…

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Should the Oskil Reservoir be rebuilt after the war?

One of the biggest changes in the environment caused by the russian-Ukrainian war was the destruction of one of the gates of the Oskil Reservoir in the Kharkiv region on April 2. About 355,500,000 cubic meters of water were rapidly released from the reservoir, causing the level of the Seversky Dinets River to rise and…

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How legal chaos can harm the nature of Ukraine

New amendments to the legislation of Ukraine give local authorities the right to plow any agricultural land. At the same time, lawmakers have “forgotten” that many steppes and meadows of nature reserves also have the status of agricultural land. And according to the law “On the nature reserve fund”, the lands within the NPF remain…

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Helping environmentalists at war!

Our colleague, environmentalist, herpetologist and serviceman in the 113th separate brigade of the Territorial defense (Kharkiv region) Andriy Tupikov: Before the war, I was engaged in public activities, tried to resist violations of environmental legislation, engaged in anti-corruption activities in the environmental sphere, contributed to the development of nature reserves in Ukraine. I also collaborated…

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Green Reconstruction of Ukraine: Position of Civil Society

Over the last few weeks, the President of Ukraine repeatedly voiced in his speeches and during press conferences the ideas of post-war reconstruction of the country: from patronage of Ukrainian cities by European powers to facilitating business and digitalization. Also recently, on April 21st, a presidential Decree established the National Council for the Reconstruction of…

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