Environmental groups slate EU plans to weaken nature safeguards in the Western Balkans, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia

The European Commission must revise ill-advised plans to undermine nature protection rules for renewable energy projects – including hydropower and biomass – under the Energy Community Treaty (1), 40 civil society organisations today underlined in a joint letter. Following changes to the EU Renewable Energy Directive last year that weakened environmental safeguards for renewables, the…

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What will we lose if we rebuild the Kakhovka HPS?

Today is the anniversary of Kakhovka tragedy. Last year, on the 6 th June the Russian troops carried out another terrorist attack blowing up the dam of the Kakhovka HPS. The war crime of the invaders led to catastrophic consequences for people and nature. However, there is a flip side of this disaster. The Velykyi…

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Does nature help to restore the Velykyi Luh?

Velykyi Luh (that means a great meadow) was artificially flooded by the communist authorities during the construction of the Kakhovka Reservoir in the 1950s. This is one of the most important natural and historical landscapes of Ukraine. After the Russians blew up the Kakhovka HPS dam, this territory ceased to be a reservoir. Currently, many…

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Ministry of Environment presented our application for biodiversity protection “Biodiversity Viewer”!

Not only biologists need information about the distribution of biological species. This knowledge is necessary for the establishment of protected areas, planning of forestry activities, preparation of EIA reports, and urban planning documentation. However, it is not easy to find such data in the public domain. Their largest hub is the global biodiversity database GBIF,…

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