In 2014, a group of Ukrainian biologists united to preserve the wild nature of Ukraine. In 2018, we officially registered as the nonprofit non-governmental organization “Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group”, now gathering more than 50 nature conservation professionals and activists from all over Ukraine.

We create protected areas, work to improve Ukrainian legislation, and identify cases of illegal destruction of nature.

We are leaders in the field of protected areas: 75% of the protected areas created in the country over the past ten years have been established through our organization’s efforts.

We can act and achieve results thanks to your support. Please support our work for the benefit of Ukraine’s wildlife during the war!

% Conservation areas
in country were created with our participation for the last 6 years
Protected forests with our participation
Protected grasslands and steppes with our participation
Protected wetlands with our participation
Emerald Network Sites approved
Species occurrence records published on GBIF
GBIF datasets published
Research articles referencing our GBIF data

Our Mission:

Conservation of biodiversity, establishment of protected areas, and implementation of international environmental legislation in Ukraine.

Our Vision:

Effective nature conservation to become a priority in society.

Our Values:

Fair and independent implementation of our professional knowledge for biodiversity conservation.

Areas of our work

Nature reserves

Creating new protected areas, supporting the effective operation of those already existing.

Forest conservation

Protection of valuable forest ecosystems, promoting the principles of sustainable forest management, civic oversight over the legality in forest management.

Environmental impact assessment

Monitoring projects and providing comments to eliminate damage to biodiversity.


Collecting, assessing, and analyzing information on rare species and valuable natural habitats for conservation purposes

Emerald Network

Creating and monitoring Emerald Network territories and working with international nature conservation conventions.

Steppes and Grasslands

Preserving valuable herbaceous ecosystems from destruction, construction, and afforestation.


Preserving rivers from harmful infrastructure projects, protecting wetlands from drainage, reducing anthropogenic impact on water bodies.


Tetiana Shamina,
Press Officer
+380 93 918 42 86
Email: [email protected]

NGO “Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group”
EDRPOU code 42003795

Mailing address:

40 Hoholya street, Vasylkiv, Kyiv region, Ukraine, 08600

For official mailing:
[email protected]