Numbers and distribution of animal species are permanently changing due to natural and anthropogenic causes, so in a corresponding manner the information in the State Cadastre for Animal Wildlife has to be updated. The goal of the cadastre is to lend to the protection and sustainable use of animals in the wild, whereas it is impossible to cover at once several thousand animal species found in the country.
Therefore there is a need to prioritize on which species information has to be gathered in the first place. The highest priority is given to threatened and declining animal species listed first and for all in the Red Data Book of Ukraine. In 2009 an updated list of such species was endorsed by the Government and late in the year the new, third edition of the Red Data Book of Ukraine was published. This third edition now covers 542 animal species, in contrast to the second edition which dealt with 382 species. The new edition, in compliance with the Law of Ukraine “On the Red Data Book of Ukraine” (, uses a new system of nature conservation categories for protected species.
In order to involve the general public to collecting information necessary for building up the State Cadastre for Animal Wildlife, we have developed for input a computer data sheet that can be downloaded from this website. The sheet is in MSExcel format and should be simple enough to any PC user. This sheet may be used for inputing data concerning any kind of animal species, but stressing the importance of “red list” species, it contains only species included to the Red Data Book of Ukraine. The data sheet carries an instruction of how to fill in information, to where and whom it should be sent. After an expertise, the imformation is put to the State Cadastre for Animal Wildlife and the author will receive a notice.